Monk Skill Quest

From Payon Stories Wiki

Note: All monk quests must be completed in the below order.

Ki Translation Quest

Recommendation: To make completing the quests easiest, collect 20 Stems and 3 Shoots (from Mandragoras or plants). Then, leave all your items and equips in storage (except for 20 Stems, 3 Shoots, and Butterfly Wings for returning when done).

  1. Go to St. Capitolina Abbey (prt_monk). From Prontera: right, up, right, right.
  2. Enter the monk job quest building (prt_monk 192 172).
  3. Talk to Monk in the building (monk_test 316 69). Exit the building.
  4. Reduce weight to zero (see recommendation above).
  5. While weight is zero, talk to Apprentice Monk (prt_monk 270 198). If following recommendation above, you can quickly drop the items from inventory (making weight zero), talk, then pick the items up again.
  6. The skill is learned.

Ki Explosion Quest

(Continued from above)

  1. Enter the monk job quest building (prt_monk 192 172).
  2. Talk to Monk in the building (monk_test 316 69).
  3. Collect 20 Stems and 3 Shoots from Mandragoras or plants. Mandragoras can be found by going 2 maps left.
  4. Return to Monk in the building (monk_test 316 69).
  5. The skill is learned.